Don't have an account? We will create one after your
personality test.
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What is POD Colours?
POD Colours is a tool which supports individuals and
teams, helping them to appreciate differences in
personality by en-hancing self-awareness, leading to
a deeper understanding of oneself and other people.
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We believe in POD Colours!
Understanding the key personality differences
between ourselves and the people we interact
with helps us to realise how they see us; why
they act the way they do; the impact that we
have on them and how to get the most out of our
interactions by capitalising on strengths.
The POD Colours tool is based on psychological
research, and provide genuine insight into your
key areas of strength and potential barriers to
Tina McGregor, Leadership Development Specialist
"Wow! More accurate than I ever could have hoped
A. Very happy customer.
Ready to get started?
We'll guide you every step of the way towards your
self improvement.